Last april 20, 2009 I read a very good story on
the Philippine Star's Sunday lifestyle section
about the bible and how it is useful for our everyday life and
our life's Jouneys, is writtien by; Teofilo Casimilo Jr. called;
The Bible: A useful book for Life's Journeys, here's what he
said: "The Bible gives me direction in my daily life
and especially during crucial moments requiring Life-Changing
decisions. It is a lamp at my feet and a light for my path. its
truths are a sure and reliable guide whenever my mind is
confused or divided.It strengthened me dring the tough and difficult times."
i was right the bible is a good book that gives us hope, peace, and love
for those who read everyday of my life. three years after my father's death
i know that the word of god will give a comfort and healing for our soul,
for now he is in heaven now, together with the lord he is very happy
to reunite their loved ones,
that's what the bible tells me so!!!
on the footnote here are some of key gems on the Bible,
"if the Bible is in the fact the inspired, authentic Word of a living, all-knowing, all-powerful
God, then your eternity will be judged it." (Herbert W. Armstrong "The Proof of the Bible. page 2)
" the law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple." (Psa. 19 :7)
"the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in CHrist jesus. All Scriptures (The bible) is given by the inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, forCorrection, for instruction in righttoeusness." (2 Timothy 3 : 15, 16)
" Do not let this Book of the Law (the bible) depart from your mouth; meditaed on it day and night, so that you may be careful to everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful." ( Joshua 1 : 8 NIV)
"Practice these principles. Take the Bible at its word. Most people, even in religion, do not believe the Bible. Otherwise, there would not be so much religious decption and division in this world. Believe the Bible, not men Think on these things. Then, if you apply them perpare to become educated. and as you develop in that education, you will find yourself taking on the very nature and character of God himself." ( Stephen Flurry "Education with Vision page 20.)
have a good day and read the bible always!!