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Monday, January 31, 2011

Viva Sto. Nino De Malolos!

I had a blast last weekend, it saw the best of the Best the Sto. Nino de Malolos feast day ever in histroy, and i have a good time to see some of many Sto. nino's from around the city. and this is Aweosme!

I hope that you watch this Video as i did. i hope next year will be bigger and better then ever before!
Have a Nice Day!


Sunday, January 30, 2011

This is My own Phone!

Hey guys i hope that you have a great time you know i Love myphone Q19 Duo it like my old phone that i use before, this is picture that you see i had hold my hand is the latetest from MyPhone is Q19 Duo! it is Cool! Gawang Pinoy! i mean Made in the Philippines you know that hehe anyway, hope you a Great and Peaceful day to you!


Saturday, January 29, 2011

A Song for Carrie!

One of my Favourite Song of my favourite Pop/Rock band of all time is called "Colour My World." by Chicago's the late Terry Kath, i love that song because since i saw her on Kamen Rider Dragon Knight on TV. she is Kind, Humble, Sexy, Smart, and she my Best Friend, Her name is Carrie Reichenbach she is a actress, and man, she is very pretty,
so i give a song for her so i renamed the Title song in her honor,
Called: Carrie's Theme. and the is like this:

Carrie's Theme
(Colour my World)

As time goes on,
I realize
Just what you mean
To me
And now,
Now that you're near,
Promise your love
That I've waited to share
And dreams
Of our moments together
Color my world with hope of loving you.

My friend friendship with Carrie will Go on!

I love the Holy Rosary!

Hey guys i hope that have a good and fine right now, hey do you know that if you what do everything that you ask to God, then the answer is Yes, you can, your can pray to God and his Only Son Jesus via The Holy Rosary of the Blessed Vrigin Mary is a powerful prayer since i used that many years ago, and you know what
i pray the Rosary until now. that i use whatever i pray in my home and even i use as my weapon against evil.
that's why
  • The life of prayer is the habit of being in the presence of God and in communion with Him. (Catechism of the Catholic Church #2559)
  • Pray is the raising of one’s mind and heart to God or the requesting of good things from God. (CC # 2590)
  • Christian prayer is the relationship between God and Man in Christ. (CC # 2564).
  • so if to pray, just do it what i did, Prayer is only way to
  • connects you to God through Mary and her Son our Lord Jesus, so make a daliy Rosary habit today and Everyday.
    And by the way, Try Prayer it Works! i hope.
    for more on this go to "What is the Rosary."
    i will pray for you guys

Thursday, January 27, 2011

What's up People!

Hey guys! What's Up? i hope that you are good today! well, is good to be back on my real blog site and is now renamed as kamenridermenard.blogspot.com that's why i'm a fan of the latest live action show, Kamen Rider Dragon Knight, is now airing in asia, and in here in the Philippines, since my blog site is renamed i hope that will give you more about me is like a day of life of me. so hopeful i will give you 100% of good time on this blog site. until then have a good day to all of you, and take care!

your Friend!.


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

What is The Rosary!

taked from Famliy Rosary.org here is what is the Holy Roseary in your Prayer time with the Lord.

The Rosary

In the prayer of the Rosary, we are able to express ourselves
in all forms of prayer: adoration, petition,
intercession, thanksgiving and praise.
The prayer of the Rosary invites us to meditate on the life of Jesus,
and to pray as he did. His life models for us all forms of prayer.

Prayer of Blessing and Adoration
This form of prayer flows from an attitude that acknowledges that we are creatures
in the presence of the all-powerful Creator. In this prayer we glorify God.

For Example: God we know you care for all.
We pray for support and help for the aged and infirmed.
We pray for peace in the world.
We pray for our loved ones who have died. May they be with you.

Prayer of Intercession
In this prayer we pray on for the welfare of others.
Christ incessantly intercedes for us.

For Example: Lord listen to our prayer for the well-being
of all those who serve in the military.
Protect them and their families.

Prayer of Thanksgiving
In this form of prayer we thank God for all the gifts we have received.

For Example: For the joys and sorrows of our lives, all of which through love work toward
our benefit, we thank you, O Lord!

Prayer of Praise
In this form of prayer we recognize most immediately that God is
God and worthy of our praise.
We praise you God, from whom all blessings flow.

For Example: Praise Father, Son and Holy Spirit. All glory and honor to you!

so Always remember Prayer that really works
