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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

What is The Rosary!

taked from Famliy Rosary.org here is what is the Holy Roseary in your Prayer time with the Lord.

The Rosary

In the prayer of the Rosary, we are able to express ourselves
in all forms of prayer: adoration, petition,
intercession, thanksgiving and praise.
The prayer of the Rosary invites us to meditate on the life of Jesus,
and to pray as he did. His life models for us all forms of prayer.

Prayer of Blessing and Adoration
This form of prayer flows from an attitude that acknowledges that we are creatures
in the presence of the all-powerful Creator. In this prayer we glorify God.

For Example: God we know you care for all.
We pray for support and help for the aged and infirmed.
We pray for peace in the world.
We pray for our loved ones who have died. May they be with you.

Prayer of Intercession
In this prayer we pray on for the welfare of others.
Christ incessantly intercedes for us.

For Example: Lord listen to our prayer for the well-being
of all those who serve in the military.
Protect them and their families.

Prayer of Thanksgiving
In this form of prayer we thank God for all the gifts we have received.

For Example: For the joys and sorrows of our lives, all of which through love work toward
our benefit, we thank you, O Lord!

Prayer of Praise
In this form of prayer we recognize most immediately that God is
God and worthy of our praise.
We praise you God, from whom all blessings flow.

For Example: Praise Father, Son and Holy Spirit. All glory and honor to you!

so Always remember Prayer that really works


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