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Saturday, January 29, 2011

I love the Holy Rosary!

Hey guys i hope that have a good and fine right now, hey do you know that if you what do everything that you ask to God, then the answer is Yes, you can, your can pray to God and his Only Son Jesus via The Holy Rosary of the Blessed Vrigin Mary is a powerful prayer since i used that many years ago, and you know what
i pray the Rosary until now. that i use whatever i pray in my home and even i use as my weapon against evil.
that's why
  • The life of prayer is the habit of being in the presence of God and in communion with Him. (Catechism of the Catholic Church #2559)
  • Pray is the raising of one’s mind and heart to God or the requesting of good things from God. (CC # 2590)
  • Christian prayer is the relationship between God and Man in Christ. (CC # 2564).
  • so if to pray, just do it what i did, Prayer is only way to
  • connects you to God through Mary and her Son our Lord Jesus, so make a daliy Rosary habit today and Everyday.
    And by the way, Try Prayer it Works! i hope.
    for more on this go to "What is the Rosary."
    i will pray for you guys

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