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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Best friends Men and Carrie!

The following is the facebook msg that i post on Carrie's facebook page, but i'm edit it. so here we go.
"Hi My Best Friend Carrie how's doing? i hope that you are very fine and Well, Carrie i Was Crying Because of you as My friend and i know that you are always there in my Heart. remember what you said on KRDK is "Stop Beat yourself Up." that's i was to start crying, i'm so blessed that you are very Good and very Special best friend you know what i'm a very Special Friend!
i hope that you are always with me in my heart and your heart too. God have many Special Friends just like you, that you are.
Because you are my friend, and i know i trust you, and I love you as my good friend i see you in my dream last night i saw you, i was crying, because i know you since i met you, on facebook, and on TV, i hope and pray that you always there right hear my heart.

if you like me i will gald that you are my friend forever! as you love me as a friend because our friendship will Never dies!
and i trust you as you trust me as a Best Friend ok?
Don't Forget, i will always be Best Friend Forever more!

Our Friendship of Carrie And Me, will Never Dies and never falls!


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